CC: Tweaked 1.115.1 for Minecraft 1.20.1

This is the documentation for CC: Tweaked 1.115.1 for Minecraft 1.20.1. Documentation for other versions of Minecraft are available on the CC: Tweaked website:

Quick links

You probably want to start in the following places:


CC: Tweaked is hosted on my maven repo, and so is relatively simple to depend on. You may wish to add a soft (or hard) dependency in your mods.toml file, with the appropriate version bounds, to ensure that API functionality you depend on is present.

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""
        content { includeGroup("cc.tweaked") }

dependencies {
    // Vanilla (i.e. for multi-loader systems)

    // Forge Gradle

    // Fabric Loom

You should also be careful to only use classes within the dan200.computercraft.api package. Non-API classes are subject to change at any point. If you depend on functionality outside the API (or need to mixin to CC:T), please start a discussion to let me know!

ComputerCraft's public API.
The detail system provides a standard way for mods to return descriptions of common game objects, such as blocks or items, as well as registering additional detail to be included in those descriptions.
Peripherals for blocks and upgrades.