Interface IMedia

public interface IMedia
Represents an item that can be placed in a disk drive and used by a Computer.

Implement this interface on your Item class to allow it to be used in the drive. Alternatively, register a MediaProvider.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default @Nullable Mount
    createDataMount( stack, net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel level)
    If this disk represents an item with data (like a floppy disk), get a mount representing it's contents.
    default @Nullable net.minecraft.sounds.SoundEvent
    getAudio( stack)
    If this disk represents an item with audio (like a record), get the resource name of the audio track to play.
    default @Nullable String
    getAudioTitle( stack)
    If this disk represents an item with audio (like a record), get the readable name of the audio track.
    @Nullable String
    getLabel( stack)
    Get a string representing the label of this item.
    default boolean
    setLabel( stack, @Nullable String label)
    Set a string representing the label of this item.
  • Method Details

    • getLabel

      @Nullable String getLabel( stack)
      Get a string representing the label of this item. Will be called via disk.getLabel() in lua.
      stack - The ItemStack to inspect.
      The label. ie: "Dan's Programs".
    • setLabel

      default boolean setLabel( stack, @Nullable String label)
      Set a string representing the label of this item. Will be called vi disk.setLabel() in lua.
      stack - The ItemStack to modify.
      label - The string to set the label to.
      true if the label was updated, false if the label may not be modified.
    • getAudioTitle

      default @Nullable String getAudioTitle( stack)
      If this disk represents an item with audio (like a record), get the readable name of the audio track. ie: "Jonathan Coulton - Still Alive"
      stack - The ItemStack to modify.
      The name, or null if this item does not represent an item with audio.
    • getAudio

      default @Nullable net.minecraft.sounds.SoundEvent getAudio( stack)
      If this disk represents an item with audio (like a record), get the resource name of the audio track to play.
      stack - The ItemStack to modify.
      The name, or null if this item does not represent an item with audio.
    • createDataMount

      default @Nullable Mount createDataMount( stack, net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel level)
      If this disk represents an item with data (like a floppy disk), get a mount representing it's contents. This will be mounted onto the filesystem of the computer while the media is in the disk drive.
      stack - The ItemStack to modify.
      level - The world in which the item and disk drive reside.
      The mount, or null if this item does not represent an item with data. If the mount returned also implements WritableMount, it will mounted using mountWritable()
      See Also: