Interface IComputerAccess

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IComputerAccess
The interface passed to peripherals by computers or turtles, providing methods that they can call. This should not be implemented by your classes. Do not interact with computers except via this interface.
  • Method Details

    • mount

      default @Nullable String mount(String desiredLocation, Mount mount)
      Mount a mount onto the computer's file system in a read only mode.
      desiredLocation - The location on the computer's file system where you would like the mount to be mounted.
      mount - The mount object to mount on the computer.
      The location on the computer's file system where you the mount mounted, or null if there was already a file in the desired location. Store this value if you wish to unmount the mount later.
      NotAttachedException - If the peripheral has been detached.
      See Also:
    • mount

      @Nullable String mount(String desiredLocation, Mount mount, String driveName)
      Mount a mount onto the computer's file system in a read only mode.
      desiredLocation - The location on the computer's file system where you would like the mount to be mounted.
      mount - The mount object to mount on the computer.
      driveName - A custom name to give for this mount location, as returned by fs.getDrive().
      The location on the computer's file system where you the mount mounted, or null if there was already a file in the desired location. Store this value if you wish to unmount the mount later.
      NotAttachedException - If the peripheral has been detached.
      See Also:
    • mountWritable

      default @Nullable String mountWritable(String desiredLocation, WritableMount mount)
      Mount a mount onto the computer's file system in a writable mode.
      desiredLocation - The location on the computer's file system where you would like the mount to be mounted.
      mount - The mount object to mount on the computer.
      The location on the computer's file system where you the mount mounted, or null if there was already a file in the desired location. Store this value if you wish to unmount the mount later.
      NotAttachedException - If the peripheral has been detached.
      See Also:
    • mountWritable

      @Nullable String mountWritable(String desiredLocation, WritableMount mount, String driveName)
      Mount a mount onto the computer's file system in a writable mode.
      desiredLocation - The location on the computer's file system where you would like the mount to be mounted.
      mount - The mount object to mount on the computer.
      driveName - A custom name to give for this mount location, as returned by fs.getDrive().
      The location on the computer's file system where you the mount mounted, or null if there was already a file in the desired location. Store this value if you wish to unmount the mount later.
      NotAttachedException - If the peripheral has been detached.
      See Also:
    • unmount

      void unmount(@Nullable String location)
      Unmounts a directory previously mounted onto the computers file system by mount(String, Mount) or mountWritable(String, WritableMount).

      When a directory is unmounted, it will disappear from the computers file system, and the user will no longer be able to access it. All directories mounted by a mount or mountWritable are automatically unmounted when the peripheral is attached if they have not been explicitly unmounted.

      Note that you cannot unmount another peripheral's mounts.

      location - The desired location in the computers file system of the directory to unmount. This must be the location of a directory previously mounted by mount(String, Mount) or mountWritable(String, WritableMount), as indicated by their return value.
      NotAttachedException - If the peripheral has been detached.
      IllegalStateException - If the mount does not exist, or was mounted by another peripheral.
      See Also:
    • getID

      int getID()
      Returns the numerical ID of this computer.

      This is the same number obtained by calling os.getComputerID() or running the "id" program from lua, and is guaranteed unique. This number will be positive.

      The identifier.
    • queueEvent

      void queueEvent(String event, @Nullable Object... arguments)
      Causes an event to be raised on this computer, which the computer can respond to by calling os.pullEvent(). This can be used to notify the computer when things happen in the world or to this peripheral.
      event - A string identifying the type of event that has occurred, this will be returned as the first value from os.pullEvent(). It is recommended that you you choose a name that is unique, and recognisable as originating from your peripheral. eg: If your peripheral type is "button", a suitable event would be "button_pressed".
      arguments - In addition to a name, you may pass an array of extra arguments to the event, that will be supplied as extra return values to os.pullEvent(). Objects in the array will be converted to lua data types in the same fashion as the return values of IPeripheral.callMethod().

      You may supply null to indicate that no arguments are to be supplied.

      NotAttachedException - If the peripheral has been detached.
      See Also:
    • getAttachmentName

      String getAttachmentName()
      Get a string, unique to the computer, by which the computer refers to this peripheral. For directly attached peripherals this will be "left","right","front","back",etc, but for peripherals attached remotely it will be different. It is good practice to supply this string when raising events to the computer, so that the computer knows from which peripheral the event came.
      A string unique to the computer, but not globally.
      NotAttachedException - If the peripheral has been detached.
    • getAvailablePeripherals

      Map<String,IPeripheral> getAvailablePeripherals()
      Get a set of peripherals that this computer access can "see", along with their attachment name.

      This may include other peripherals on the wired network or peripherals on other sides of the computer.

      All reachable peripherals
      NotAttachedException - If the peripheral has been detached.
      See Also:
    • getAvailablePeripheral

      @Nullable IPeripheral getAvailablePeripheral(String name)
      Get a reachable peripheral with the given attachment name. This is a equivalent to getAvailablePeripherals().get(name), though may be more efficient.
      name - The peripheral's attached name
      The reachable peripheral, or null if none can be found.
      See Also:
    • getMainThreadMonitor

      WorkMonitor getMainThreadMonitor()
      Get a WorkMonitor for tasks your peripheral might execute on the main (server) thread.

      This should be used to ensure your peripheral integrates with ComputerCraft's monitoring and limiting of how much server time each computer consumes. You should not need to use this if you use ILuaContext.issueMainThreadTask(LuaTask) - this is intended for mods with their own system for running work on the main thread.

      Please note that the returned implementation is not thread-safe, and should only be used from the main thread.

      The work monitor for the main thread, or null if this computer does not have one.
      NotAttachedException - If the peripheral has been detached.