Interface UpgradeType<T extends UpgradeBase>

Type Parameters:
T - The upgrade subclass that this upgrade type represents.

public interface UpgradeType<T extends UpgradeBase>
The type of a turtle or pocket upgrade.

Turtle and pocket computer upgrades are registered using Minecraft's dynamic registry system. As a result, they follow a similar design to other dynamic content, such as recipes or loot functions.

While the ITurtleUpgrade/IPocketUpgrade class should contain the core logic of the upgrade, they are not registered directly. Instead, each upgrade class has a corresponding UpgradeType, which is responsible for loading the upgrade from a datapack. The upgrade type should then be registered in its appropriate registry (ITurtleUpgrade.typeRegistry(), IPocketUpgrade.typeRegistry()).

In order to register the actual upgrade, a JSON file referencing your upgrade type should be added to a datapack. It is recommended to do this via the data generators.

Data Generation Link icon

As turtle and pocket upgrades are just loaded using vanilla's dynamic loaders, one may use the same data generation tools as you would for any other dynamic registry.

See the turtle upgrade docs for a concrete example.

See Also:
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    The codec to read and write this upgrade from a datapack.
    static <T extends UpgradeBase>
    create(com.mojang.serialization.MapCodec<T> codec)
    Create a new upgrade type.
    static <T extends UpgradeBase>
    simple(T instance)
    Create an upgrade type for an upgrade that takes no arguments.
    static <T extends UpgradeBase>
    simpleWithCustomItem(Function<,T> factory)
    Create an upgrade type for a simple upgrade whose crafting item can be specified.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • codec Link icon

      com.mojang.serialization.MapCodec<T> codec()
      The codec to read and write this upgrade from a datapack.
      The codec for this upgrade.
    • create Link icon

      static <T extends UpgradeBase> UpgradeType<T> create(com.mojang.serialization.MapCodec<T> codec)
      Create a new upgrade type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the generated upgrade.
      codec - The codec
      The newly created upgrade type.
    • simple Link icon

      static <T extends UpgradeBase> UpgradeType<T> simple(T instance)
      Create an upgrade type for an upgrade that takes no arguments.

      If you might want to vary the item, it's suggested you use simpleWithCustomItem(Function) instead.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the generated upgrade.
      instance - Generate a new upgrade with a specific ID.
      A new upgrade type.
    • simpleWithCustomItem Link icon

      static <T extends UpgradeBase> UpgradeType<T> simpleWithCustomItem(Function<,T> factory)
      Create an upgrade type for a simple upgrade whose crafting item can be specified.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the generated upgrade.
      factory - Generate a new upgrade with a specific ID and crafting item. The returned upgrade's UpgradeBase.getCraftingItem() MUST equal the provided item.
      A new upgrade type.
      See Also: