Interface WiredElement

All Superinterfaces:
PacketSender, WiredSender

public interface WiredElement extends WiredSender
An object which may be part of a wired network.

Elements should construct a node using ComputerCraftAPI.createWiredNodeForElement(WiredElement). This acts as a proxy for all network objects. Whilst the node may change networks, an element's node should remain constant for its lifespan.

Elements are generally tied to a block or block entity in world. In such as case, one should provide the WiredElement capability for the appropriate sides.

  • Method Details

    • networkChanged

      default void networkChanged(WiredNetworkChange change)
      Called when peripherals on the network change. This may occur when network nodes are added or removed, or when peripherals are attached or detached from a modem.
      change - The change which occurred.
      See Also: