All Classes and Interfaces

A base class for IPocketUpgrades.
A base class for ITurtleUpgrades.
A computer which has permission to perform administrative/op commands, such as the command computer.
A thread-safe collection of computers.
An item detail provider for ItemStacks whose Item has a specific type.
A reference to a block in the world, used by block detail providers.
This interface is used to provide bundled redstone output for blocks.
A wrapper type for "coerced" values.
A component attached to a computer.
The ComputerComponents provided by ComputerCraft.
The static entry point to the ComputerCraft API.
The public API for client-only code.
Tags provided by ComputerCraft.
Provide details about a block, fluid, or item.
A registry which provides computer-visible detail about in-game objects such as blocks, items or fluids.
A simple version of BasicFileAttributes, which provides what information a Mount already exposes.
An IOException which occurred on a specific file.
A GenericSource which provides methods for a peripheral.
A generic source of LuaFunction functions.
The arguments passed to a function.
The interface passed to peripherals by computers or turtles, providing methods that they can call.
An interface passed to ILuaAPIFactory in order to provide additional information about a computer.
An interface for representing custom objects returned by peripherals or other Lua objects.
A peripheral whose methods are not known at runtime.
Represents a Lua object which is stored as a global variable on computer startup.
Construct an ILuaAPI for a computer.
A continuation which is called when this coroutine is resumed.
An interface passed to peripherals and IDynamicLuaObjects by computers or turtles, providing methods that allow the peripheral call to interface with the computer.
A function, which can be called from Lua.
Represents an item that can be placed in a disk drive and used by a Computer.
A peripheral is an external device that a computer can interact with.
Wrapper class for pocket computers.
A peripheral which can be equipped to the back side of a pocket computer.
The interface passed to turtle by turtles, providing methods that they can call.
The primary interface for defining an update for Turtles.
An exception representing an error in Lua, like that raised by the error() function.
Used to mark a Java function which is callable from Lua.
A view of a Lua table.
A task which can be executed via ILuaContext.issueMainThreadTask(LuaTask) This will be run on the main thread, at the beginning of the next tick.
Various utility functions for operating with Lua values.
This interface is used to provide IMedia implementations for ItemStack.
The result of invoking a Lua method.
Represents a read only part of a virtual filesystem that can be mounted onto a computer using IComputerAccess.mount(String, Mount).
Useful constants functions for working with mounts.
Thrown when performing operations on IComputerAccess when the current peripheral is no longer attached to the computer.
An implementation of IArguments which wraps an array of Object.
An implementation of LuaTable based on a standard Java Map.
Represents a packet which may be sent across a PacketNetwork.
A packet network represents a collection of devices which can send and receive packets.
An object on an PacketNetwork, capable of receiving packets.
An object on a PacketNetwork, capable of sending packets.
The type of a GenericPeripheral.
A data provider to generate pocket computer upgrades.
Reads a IPocketUpgrade from disk and reads/writes it to a network packet.
The contents of a page (or book) created by a ComputerCraft printer.
A functional interface to register a TurtleUpgradeModeller for a class of turtle upgrades.
A model to render, combined with a transformation matrix to apply.
An animation a turtle will play between executing commands.
An interface for objects executing custom turtle commands, used with ITurtleAccess.executeCommand(TurtleCommand).
Used to indicate the result of executing a turtle command.
A function called when a turtle attempts to refuel via turtle.refuel().
An enum representing the two sides of the turtle that a turtle upgrade might reside.
Indicates if an equipped turtle item will consume durability.
A data provider to generate turtle upgrades.
A builder for custom turtle tool upgrades.
Provides models for a ITurtleUpgrade.
Reads a ITurtleUpgrade from disk and reads/writes it to a network packet.
An enum representing the different types of turtle that an ITurtleUpgrade implementation can add to a turtle.
An enum representing the different actions that an ITurtleUpgrade of type Tool may be called on to perform by a turtle.
Common functionality between ITurtleUpgrade and IPocketUpgrade.
An upgrade (i.e.
A data generator/provider for turtle and pocket computer upgrades.
A constructed upgrade instance, produced UpgradeDataProvider.addUpgrades(Consumer).
Base interface for upgrade serialisers.
DetailRegistrys for built-in Minecraft types.
An object which may be part of a wired network.
A wired network is composed of one of more WiredNodes, a set of connections between them, and a series of peripherals.
Represents a change to the objects on a wired network.
Wired nodes act as a layer between WiredElements and WiredNetworks.
An object on a WiredNetwork capable of sending packets.
Monitors "work" associated with a computer, keeping track of how much a computer has done, and ensuring every computer receives a fair share of any processing time.
Represents a part of a virtual filesystem that can be mounted onto a computer using IComputerAccess.mount(String, Mount) or IComputerAccess.mountWritable(String, WritableMount), that can also be written to.