
Methods for interacting with inventories.


size()Get the size of this inventory.
list()List all items in this inventory.
getItemDetail(slot)Get detailed information about an item.
getItemLimit(slot)Get the maximum number of items which can be stored in this slot.
pushItems(toName, fromSlot [, limit [, toSlot]])Push items from one inventory to another connected one.
pullItems(fromName, fromSlot [, limit [, toSlot]])Pull items from a connected inventory into this one.

Get the size of this inventory.


  1. number The number of slots in this inventory.

List all items in this inventory. This returns a table, with an entry for each slot.

Each item in the inventory is represented by a table containing some basic information, much like turtle.getItemDetail includes. More information can be fetched with getItemDetail. The table contains the item name, the count and an a (potentially nil) hash of the item's nbt. This NBT data doesn't contain anything useful, but allows you to distinguish identical items.

The returned table is sparse, and so empty slots will be nil - it is recommended to loop over using pairs rather than ipairs.


  1. { table | nil... } Basic information about all items in this inventory.


  • Find an adjacent chest and print all items in it.

    local chest = peripheral.find("minecraft:chest")
    for slot, item in pairs(chest.list()) do
      print(("%d x %s in slot %d"):format(item.count,, slot))

Get detailed information about an item.

The returned information contains the same information as each item in list, as well as additional details like the display name (displayName), and item and item durability (damage, maxDamage, durability).

Some items include more information (such as enchantments) - it is recommended to print it out using textutils.serialize or in the Lua REPL, to explore what is available.

Deprecated fields

Older versions of CC: Tweaked exposed an itemGroups field, listing the creative tabs an item was available under. This information is no longer available on more recent versions of the game, and so this field will always be empty. Do not use this field in new code!


  1. slot number The slot to get information about.


  1. table | nil Information about the item in this slot, or nil if it is empty.


  • If the slot is out of range.


  • Print some information about the first in a chest.

    local chest = peripheral.find("minecraft:chest")
    local item = chest.getItemDetail(1)
    if not item then print("No item") return end
    print(("%s (%s)"):format(item.displayName,
    print(("Count: %d/%d"):format(item.count, item.maxCount))
    if item.damage then
      print(("Damage: %d/%d"):format(item.damage, item.maxDamage))

Get the maximum number of items which can be stored in this slot.

Typically this will be limited to 64 items. However, some inventories (such as barrels or caches) can store hundreds or thousands of items in one slot.


  1. slot number The slot


  1. number The maximum number of items in this slot.


  • If the slot is out of range.


  • Count the maximum number of items an adjacent chest can hold.

    local chest = peripheral.find("minecraft:chest")
    local total = 0
    for i = 1, chest.size() do
      total = total + chest.getItemLimit(i)


  • New in version 1.96.0
pushItems(toName, fromSlot [, limit [, toSlot]])Source

Push items from one inventory to another connected one.

This allows you to push an item in an inventory to another inventory on the same wired network. Both inventories must attached to wired modems which are connected via a cable.


  1. toName string The name of the peripheral/inventory to push to. This is the string given to peripheral.wrap, and displayed by the wired modem.
  2. fromSlot number The slot in the current inventory to move items to.
  3. limit? number The maximum number of items to move. Defaults to the current stack limit.
  4. toSlot? number The slot in the target inventory to move to. If not given, the item will be inserted into any slot.


  1. number The number of transferred items.


  • If the peripheral to transfer to doesn't exist or isn't an inventory.

  • If either source or destination slot is out of range.


See also

pullItems(fromName, fromSlot [, limit [, toSlot]])Source

Pull items from a connected inventory into this one.

This allows you to transfer items between inventories on the same wired network. Both this and the source inventory must attached to wired modems which are connected via a cable.


  1. fromName string The name of the peripheral/inventory to pull from. This is the string given to peripheral.wrap, and displayed by the wired modem.
  2. fromSlot number The slot in the source inventory to move items from.
  3. limit? number The maximum number of items to move. Defaults to the current stack limit.
  4. toSlot? number The slot in current inventory to move to. If not given, the item will be inserted into any slot.


  1. number The number of transferred items.


  • If the peripheral to transfer to doesn't exist or isn't an inventory.

  • If either source or destination slot is out of range.


See also