
Execute Minecraft commands and gather data from the results from a command computer.


This API is only available on Command computers. It is not accessible to normal players.

While one may use commands.exec directly to execute a command, the commands API also provides helper methods to execute every command. For instance, commands.say("Hi!") is equivalent to commands.exec("say Hi!").

commands.async provides a similar interface to execute asynchronous commands. commands.async.say("Hi!") is equivalent to commands.execAsync("say Hi!").



exec(command)Execute a specific command.
execAsync(command)Asynchronously execute a command.
list(...)List all available commands which the computer has permission to execute.
getBlockPosition()Get the position of the current command computer.
getBlockInfos(minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ [, dimension])Get information about a range of blocks.
getBlockInfo(x, y, z [, dimension])Get some basic information about a block.
nativeThe builtin commands API, without any generated command helper functions
asyncA table containing asynchronous wrappers for all commands.

Execute a specific command.


  1. command string The command to execute.


  1. boolean Whether the command executed successfully.
  2. { string... } The output of this command, as a list of lines.
  3. number | nil The number of "affected" objects, or nil if the command failed. The definition of this varies from command to command.


  • Set the block above the command computer to stone.

    commands.exec("setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:stone")


  • Changed in version 1.71: Added return value with command output.
  • Changed in version 1.85.0: Added return value with the number of affected objects.

Asynchronously execute a command.

Unlike exec, this will immediately return, instead of waiting for the command to execute. This allows you to run multiple commands at the same time.

When this command has finished executing, it will queue a task_complete event containing the result of executing this command (what exec would return).


  1. command string The command to execute.


  1. number The "task id". When this command has been executed, it will queue a task_complete event with a matching id.


  • Asynchronously sets the block above the computer to stone.

    commands.execAsync("setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:stone")

See also

  • parallel One may also use the parallel API to run multiple commands at once.

List all available commands which the computer has permission to execute.


  1. ... string The sub-command to complete.


  1. { string... } A list of all available commands

Get the position of the current command computer.


  1. number This computer's x position.
  2. number This computer's y position.
  3. number This computer's z position.

See also

  • gps.locate To get the position of a non-command computer.
getBlockInfos(minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ [, dimension])Source

Get information about a range of blocks.

This returns the same information as getBlockInfo, just for multiple blocks at once.

Blocks are traversed by ascending y level, followed by z and x - the returned table may be indexed using x + z*width + y*width*depth + 1.


  1. minX number The start x coordinate of the range to query.
  2. minY number The start y coordinate of the range to query.
  3. minZ number The start z coordinate of the range to query.
  4. maxX number The end x coordinate of the range to query.
  5. maxY number The end y coordinate of the range to query.
  6. maxZ number The end z coordinate of the range to query.
  7. dimension? string The dimension to query (e.g. "minecraft:overworld"). Defaults to the current dimension.


  1. { table... } A list of information about each block.


  • If the coordinates are not within the world.

  • If trying to get information about more than 4096 blocks.


  • Print out all blocks in a cube around the computer.

    -- Get a 3x3x3 cube around the computer
    local x, y, z = commands.getBlockPosition()
    local min_x, min_y, min_z, max_x, max_y, max_z = x - 1, y - 1, z - 1, x + 1, y + 1, z + 1
    local blocks = commands.getBlockInfos(min_x, min_y, min_z, max_x, max_y, max_z)
    -- Then loop over all blocks and print them out.
    local width, height, depth = max_x - min_x + 1, max_y - min_y + 1, max_z - min_z + 1
    for x = min_x, max_x do
      for y = min_y, max_y do
        for z = min_z, max_z do
          print(("%d, %d %d => %s"):format(x, y, z, blocks[(x - min_x) + (z - min_z) * width + (y - min_y) * width * depth + 1].name))


  • New in version 1.76
  • Changed in version 1.99: Added dimension argument.
getBlockInfo(x, y, z [, dimension])Source

Get some basic information about a block.

The returned table contains the current name, metadata and block state (as with turtle.inspect). If there is a tile entity for that block, its NBT will also be returned.


  1. x number The x position of the block to query.
  2. y number The y position of the block to query.
  3. z number The z position of the block to query.
  4. dimension? string The dimension to query (e.g. "minecraft:overworld"). Defaults to the current dimension.


  1. table The given block's information.


  • If the coordinates are not within the world, or are not currently loaded.


  • Changed in version 1.76: Added block state info to return value
  • Changed in version 1.99: Added dimension argument.

The builtin commands API, without any generated command helper functions

This may be useful if a built-in function (such as commands.list) has been overwritten by a command.


A table containing asynchronous wrappers for all commands.

As with commands.execAsync, this returns the "task id" of the enqueued command.


  • Asynchronously sets the block above the computer to stone.

    commands.async.setblock("~", "~1", "~", "minecraft:stone")

See also