
Helpful utilities for formatting and manipulating strings.


slowWrite(text [, rate])Slowly writes string text at current cursor position, character-by-character.
slowPrint(sText [, nRate])Slowly prints string text at current cursor position, character-by-character.
formatTime(nTime [, bTwentyFourHour])Takes input time and formats it in a more readable format such as 6:30 PM.
pagedPrint(text [, free_lines])Prints a given string to the display.
tabulate(...)Prints tables in a structured form.
pagedTabulate(...)Prints tables in a structured form, stopping and prompting for input should the result not fit on the terminal.
empty_json_arrayA table representing an empty JSON array, in order to distinguish it from an empty JSON object.
json_nullA table representing the JSON null value.
serialize(t, opts)Convert a Lua object into a textual representation, suitable for saving in a file or pretty-printing.
serialise(t, opts)Convert a Lua object into a textual representation, suitable for saving in a file or pretty-printing.
unserialize(s)Converts a serialised string back into a reassembled Lua object.
unserialise(s)Converts a serialised string back into a reassembled Lua object.
serializeJSON(...)Returns a JSON representation of the given data.
serialiseJSON(...)Returns a JSON representation of the given data.
unserializeJSON(s [, options])Converts a serialised JSON string back into a reassembled Lua object.
unserialiseJSON(s [, options])Converts a serialised JSON string back into a reassembled Lua object.
urlEncode(str)Replaces certain characters in a string to make it safe for use in URLs or POST data.
complete(sSearchText [, tSearchTable])Provides a list of possible completions for a partial Lua expression.
slowWrite(text [, rate])Source

Slowly writes string text at current cursor position, character-by-character.

Like _G.write, this does not insert a newline at the end.


  1. text string The the text to write to the screen
  2. rate? number The number of characters to write each second, Defaults to 20.



  • New in version 1.3
slowPrint(sText [, nRate])Source

Slowly prints string text at current cursor position, character-by-character.

Like print, this inserts a newline after printing.


  1. sText string The the text to write to the screen
  2. nRate? number The number of characters to write each second, Defaults to 20.


formatTime(nTime [, bTwentyFourHour])Source

Takes input time and formats it in a more readable format such as 6:30 PM.


  1. nTime number The time to format, as provided by os.time.
  2. bTwentyFourHour? boolean Whether to format this as a 24-hour clock (18:30) rather than a 12-hour one (6:30 AM)


  1. string The formatted time


pagedPrint(text [, free_lines])Source

Prints a given string to the display.

If the action can be completed without scrolling, it acts much the same as print; otherwise, it will throw up a "Press any key to continue" prompt at the bottom of the display. Each press will cause it to scroll down and write a single line more before prompting again, if need be.


  1. text string The text to print to the screen.
  2. free_lines? number The number of lines which will be automatically scrolled before the first prompt appears (meaning free_lines + 1 lines will be printed). This can be set to the cursor's y position - 2 to always try to fill the screen. Defaults to 0, meaning only one line is displayed before prompting.


  1. number The number of lines printed.


  • Generates several lines of text and then prints it, paging once the bottom of the terminal is reached.

    local lines = {}
    for i = 1, 30 do lines[i] = ("This is line #%d"):format(i) end
    local message = table.concat(lines, "\n")
    local width, height = term.getCursorPos()
    textutils.pagedPrint(message, height - 2)

Prints tables in a structured form.

This accepts multiple arguments, either a table or a number. When encountering a table, this will be treated as a table row, with each column width being auto-adjusted.

When encountering a number, this sets the text color of the subsequent rows to it.


  1. ... { string... } | number The rows and text colors to display.



  • New in version 1.3

Prints tables in a structured form, stopping and prompting for input should the result not fit on the terminal.

This functions identically to textutils.tabulate, but will prompt for user input should the whole output not fit on the display.


  1. ... { string... } | number The rows and text colors to display.


See also


  • New in version 1.3

A table representing an empty JSON array, in order to distinguish it from an empty JSON object.

The contents of this table should not be modified.


See also


A table representing the JSON null value.

The contents of this table should not be modified.


See also

serialize(t, opts)Source

Convert a Lua object into a textual representation, suitable for saving in a file or pretty-printing.


  1. t The object to serialise
  2. opts { compact? = boolean, allow_repetitions? = boolean }

    Options for serialisation.

    • compact: Do not emit indentation and other whitespace between terms.
    • allow_repetitions: Relax the check for recursive tables, allowing them to appear multiple times (as long as tables do not appear inside themselves).


  1. string The serialised representation


  • If the object contains a value which cannot be serialised. This includes functions and tables which appear multiple times.


See also


  • New in version 1.3
  • Changed in version 1.97.0: Added opts argument.
serialise(t, opts)Source

Convert a Lua object into a textual representation, suitable for saving in a file or pretty-printing.


  1. t The object to serialise
  2. opts { compact? = boolean, allow_repetitions? = boolean }

    Options for serialisation.

    • compact: Do not emit indentation and other whitespace between terms.
    • allow_repetitions: Relax the check for recursive tables, allowing them to appear multiple times (as long as tables do not appear inside themselves).


  1. string The serialised representation


  • If the object contains a value which cannot be serialised. This includes functions and tables which appear multiple times.


See also


  • New in version 1.3
  • Changed in version 1.97.0: Added opts argument.

Converts a serialised string back into a reassembled Lua object.

This is mainly used together with textutils.serialise.


  1. s string The serialised string to deserialise.


  1. The deserialised object


  1. nil If the object could not be deserialised.


  • New in version 1.3

Converts a serialised string back into a reassembled Lua object.

This is mainly used together with textutils.serialise.


  1. s string The serialised string to deserialise.


  1. The deserialised object


  1. nil If the object could not be deserialised.


  • New in version 1.3

Returns a JSON representation of the given data.

This function attempts to guess whether a table is a JSON array or object. However, empty tables are assumed to be empty objects - use textutils.empty_json_array to mark an empty array.

This is largely intended for interacting with various functions from the commands API, though may also be used in making http requests.


  1. t The value to serialise. Like textutils.serialise, this should not contain recursive tables or functions.
  2. options? { nbt_style? = boolean, unicode_strings? = boolean, allow_repetitions? = boolean }

    Options for serialisation.

    • nbt_style: Whether to produce NBT-style JSON (non-quoted keys) instead of standard JSON.
    • unicode_strings: Whether to treat strings as containing UTF-8 characters instead of using the default 8-bit character set.
    • allow_repetitions: Relax the check for recursive tables, allowing them to appear multiple times (as long as tables do not appear inside themselves).


  1. t The value to serialise. Like textutils.serialise, this should not contain recursive tables or functions.
  2. bNBTStyle boolean Whether to produce NBT-style JSON (non-quoted keys) instead of standard JSON.


  1. string The JSON representation of the input.


  • If the object contains a value which cannot be serialised. This includes functions and tables which appear multiple times.


See also


  • New in version 1.7
  • Changed in version 1.106.0: Added options overload and unicode_strings option.
  • Changed in version 1.109.0: Added allow_repetitions option.

Returns a JSON representation of the given data.

This function attempts to guess whether a table is a JSON array or object. However, empty tables are assumed to be empty objects - use textutils.empty_json_array to mark an empty array.

This is largely intended for interacting with various functions from the commands API, though may also be used in making http requests.


  1. t The value to serialise. Like textutils.serialise, this should not contain recursive tables or functions.
  2. options? { nbt_style? = boolean, unicode_strings? = boolean, allow_repetitions? = boolean }

    Options for serialisation.

    • nbt_style: Whether to produce NBT-style JSON (non-quoted keys) instead of standard JSON.
    • unicode_strings: Whether to treat strings as containing UTF-8 characters instead of using the default 8-bit character set.
    • allow_repetitions: Relax the check for recursive tables, allowing them to appear multiple times (as long as tables do not appear inside themselves).


  1. t The value to serialise. Like textutils.serialise, this should not contain recursive tables or functions.
  2. bNBTStyle boolean Whether to produce NBT-style JSON (non-quoted keys) instead of standard JSON.


  1. string The JSON representation of the input.


  • If the object contains a value which cannot be serialised. This includes functions and tables which appear multiple times.


See also


  • New in version 1.7
  • Changed in version 1.106.0: Added options overload and unicode_strings option.
  • Changed in version 1.109.0: Added allow_repetitions option.
unserializeJSON(s [, options])Source

Converts a serialised JSON string back into a reassembled Lua object.

This may be used with textutils.serializeJSON, or when communicating with command blocks or web APIs.

If a null value is encountered, it is converted into nil. It can be converted into textutils.json_null with the parse_null option.

If an empty array is encountered, it is converted into textutils.empty_json_array. It can be converted into a new empty table with the parse_empty_array option.


  1. s string The serialised string to deserialise.
  2. options? { nbt_style? = boolean, parse_null? = boolean, parse_empty_array? = boolean }

    Options which control how this JSON object is parsed.

    • nbt_style: When true, this will accept stringified NBT strings, as produced by many commands.
    • parse_null: When true, null will be parsed as json_null, rather than nil.
    • parse_empty_array: When false, empty arrays will be parsed as a new table. By default (or when this value is true), they are parsed as empty_json_array.


  1. The deserialised object


  1. nil If the object could not be deserialised.
  2. string A message describing why the JSON string is invalid.


See also


  • New in version 1.87.0
  • Changed in version 1.100.6: Added parse_empty_array option
unserialiseJSON(s [, options])Source

Converts a serialised JSON string back into a reassembled Lua object.

This may be used with textutils.serializeJSON, or when communicating with command blocks or web APIs.

If a null value is encountered, it is converted into nil. It can be converted into textutils.json_null with the parse_null option.

If an empty array is encountered, it is converted into textutils.empty_json_array. It can be converted into a new empty table with the parse_empty_array option.


  1. s string The serialised string to deserialise.
  2. options? { nbt_style? = boolean, parse_null? = boolean, parse_empty_array? = boolean }

    Options which control how this JSON object is parsed.

    • nbt_style: When true, this will accept stringified NBT strings, as produced by many commands.
    • parse_null: When true, null will be parsed as json_null, rather than nil.
    • parse_empty_array: When false, empty arrays will be parsed as a new table. By default (or when this value is true), they are parsed as empty_json_array.


  1. The deserialised object


  1. nil If the object could not be deserialised.
  2. string A message describing why the JSON string is invalid.


See also


  • New in version 1.87.0
  • Changed in version 1.100.6: Added parse_empty_array option

Replaces certain characters in a string to make it safe for use in URLs or POST data.


  1. str string The string to encode


  1. string The encoded string.



  • New in version 1.31
complete(sSearchText [, tSearchTable])Source

Provides a list of possible completions for a partial Lua expression.

If the completed element is a table, suggestions will have . appended to them. Similarly, functions have ( appended to them.


  1. sSearchText string The partial expression to complete, such as a variable name or table index.
  2. tSearchTable? table The table to find variables in, defaulting to the global environment (_G). The function also searches the "parent" environment via the __index metatable field.


  1. { string... } The (possibly empty) list of completions.


See also


  • New in version 1.74